Date of Publication: 16 April 2023

How to Encourage User-Generated Content

User-generated content (UGC) has grown in popularity as a tool for businesses to connect with their customers and raise brand awareness.

One of the primary advantages of user-generated content is that it can deliver authentic and relatable content that resonates with your target audience. UGC also enables companies to involve their customers in their marketing activities, fostering a sense of community and involvement.

How can you get users to contribute UGC to your brand? In this blog post, we’ll look at several techniques for fostering UGC, such as using social media, conducting contests and giveaways, and offering incentives for user contributions. We’ll also look at some real-life instances of brands that have successfully incorporated user-generated content (UGC) into their marketing initiatives.

Anirban Guha

Anirban Guha

Digital Marketing Expert | Media Strategist | Entrepreneur

Table of Contents


Introduction to User Generated Content

User-generated content (UGC) is any type of content contributed by users or customers of a product or service. This can range from social media updates and images to reviews and blogs. UGC has grown in popularity in recent years as businesses have recognized its ability to improve brand awareness, and engagement, and generate a feeling of community around their products or services.

One of the primary advantages of user-generated content is that it produces authentic and relatable content that resonates with your target audience. Unlike branded content, which can feel commercial and promotional, user-generated content (UGC) is created by real people who care about your business. This might help increase your audience’s trust and credibility and make your brand more appealing.

UGC can also be used to increase engagement and drive conversions. You may develop buzz and excitement about your products or services while also creating a feeling of community among your audience by encouraging users to create and share content relating to your business. This can result in improved brand loyalty, repeat business, and, eventually, more revenue.

Another advantage of user-generated content is that it allows businesses to involve their customers in their marketing activities. Businesses may foster a sense of collaboration for co-creation by providing chances for users to share their experiences and thoughts, which can be a powerful trigger of engagement and loyalty.

There are numerous sorts of user-generated content, and businesses can encourage users to create content in a variety of ways. For example, you could request that consumers upload images of themselves using your product or service, or that they leave reviews on your website or social media networks. You might also offer contests or giveaways to encourage people to create and share material connected to your business, or you might set up social media challenges to encourage users to be creative and share their work.

With the rise of new generations as buyers, third-party sources are critical for establishing the experience, expertise, authority, and trustworthiness of a brand. Here UGC plays a pivotal role.

If you have already adopted the Flywheel Marketing Strategy you might find UGC to have minimized friction and added force to the wheel.

Know Your Audience to Create User-Generated Content

To create effective user-generated content, it’s essential to understand your audience and what motivates them. This will help you to create content that resonates with them and encourages them to engage with your brand. Here are some tips for getting to know your audience:


Conduct Market Research:

One of the best ways to understand your audience is to conduct market research. This can include surveys, focus groups, and other forms of data collection that help you to gather insights into your customers’ needs, preferences, and behaviors. By analyzing this data, you can gain a deeper understanding of your audience and create content that speaks directly to their interests and concerns.

Some Online tools that could be used are,

    1. SurveyMonkey: SurveyMonkey is a powerful and easy-to-use survey software platform that allows you to create and distribute surveys quickly and easily. It features a wide range of features such as customizable survey templates, advanced analytics, and automated sending and reminder emails. It starts at ₹1,999/ per month billed annually.
    2. Typeform: Typeform is a user-friendly survey software platform that is designed to make creating and publishing surveys fast and easy. It offers an intuitive interface, custom branding options, and a variety of question types to help you create engaging surveys.It’s free to start with.
    3. Google Forms: Google Forms is a free, web-based survey software that allows you to create and publish surveys quickly. It offers a wide range of features such as customizable templates, drag-and-drop design, and response analysis. Like all Google products you can sign up for free.
    4. Alchemer (formerlySurveyGizmo): Alchemer is a powerful survey software platform that offers a wide range of features such as customizable templates, data export, and integrations with other popular software. It is an enterprise model that starts at $55.
    5. SurveyPlanet: SurveyPlanet is a simple and easy-to-use survey software platform that allows you to create and publish surveys quickly. It offers customizable templates, real-time response analysis, and automated reminders and follow-ups. You can create a free online survey with unlimited questions and responses.

Use Social Media Listening Tools and Analytics :

Social media is a valuable source of information about your audience. By using social media listening tools, you can track mentions of your brand, monitor conversations about your products or services, and identify trends and patterns in your audience’s behavior. This can help you to create content that is timely, relevant, and engaging.

You could use,

Social Media Listening & Analytics: measure the engagement and track user behavior on social media platforms

Paid Tools are,

    1. Sprout SocialIt is a social media management and engagement platform that helps businesses grow their presence on social networks like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. It includes features for monitoring conversations, scheduling posts, tracking analytics, and more.
    2. Hootsuite AnalyticsIt is an analytics platform that provides insights into the performance of social campaigns. It provides detailed reports on website traffic, post engagement, and more.
    3. BrandwatchIt is a social media analytics platform that helps companies analyze conversations and trends across the web. It provides insights into topics, demographics, and influencers related to a brand.
    4. KeyholeIt is an analytics platform that provides real-time insights into social media conversations. It provides metrics such as reach, impressions, sentiment, and more.
    5. BuzzSumo: It is an analytics tool that helps companies discover and analyze content across the web. It provides insights into topics, influencers, and content trends.
    6. IconosquareIt is a social media analytics platform that helps companies measure their performance on Instagram and Facebook. It offers insights into engagement, reach, and audience demographics.

You can also avail of free social media analytics tools,

    1. Facebook Insights
    2. Twitter Analytics

Analyze Website Analytics:

Website and social media analytics can provide valuable insights into your audience’s behavior and preferences. By analyzing metrics such as page views, bounce rates, and engagement rates, you can identify which types of content are resonating with your audience and adjust your strategy accordingly.

You could use,

Google Analytics: measure website traffic and track user behavior


Define Buyer Personas:

A buyer persona is a fictional representation of your ideal customer. By creating detailed buyer personas that capture your audience’s demographic information, interests, and pain points, you can better understand their needs and motivations. This can help you to create content that addresses their specific needs and interests and encourages them to engage with your brand.


Engage with Your Audience:

Finally, one of the best ways to understand your audience is to engage with them directly. Respond to comments and messages on social media, participate in online communities related to your industry, and solicit feedback from your customers. This can help you to build relationships with your audience and gain a deeper understanding of their needs and preferences.

How to Leverage Social Media for User-Generated Content

User-generated content (UGC) is a powerful way to engage your audience and increase your brand’s visibility on social media. Here are some tips for leveraging social media to encourage your audience to create UGC:

Use Hashtags:

Create a unique hashtag that relates to your brand or product and encourage your followers to use it when they post content related to your brand. This will help you easily find and share UGC.

Run Contests and Campaigns:

Encourage your audience to create UGC by running contests and campaigns that require user-generated content. This could include photo contests, video contests, or other creative challenges.

Feature UGC on Your Social Media Channels:

Showcase your audience’s content on your social media channels by reposting or sharing their content. This will not only give your audience recognition but also show your followers that you value their contributions.

Engage with Your Audience:

Respond to comments and engage with your followers on social media. This will encourage them to continue creating content and will strengthen your relationship with them.

Provide Incentives:

Offer incentives such as discounts or special offers for users who create UGC related to your brand. This will encourage more people to create and share content.

Collaborate with Influencers:

Work with influencers in your niche who have a large following and who create UGC related to your brand. This will help you reach a wider audience and increase the amount of UGC related to your brand.

Host Contests and Giveaways for User-Generated Content

Hosting contests and giveaways for user-generated content can be a great way to engage your audience and encourage them to create content that promotes your brand or product. Here are some tips on how to do it effectively:

Define Your Goals:

What do you want to achieve with your contest or giveaway? Do you want to increase brand awareness, generate user-generated content, or drive sales? Knowing your goals will help you design the right type of contest or giveaway.

Choose the Right Platform:

Decide where you want to host your contest or giveaway. Social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter are popular options, but you can also host them on your website or blog.

Determine the Rules:

Clearly define the rules of your contest or giveaway, including how to enter, how the winner will be selected, and the prize(s) on offer.

Promote Your Contest:

Use social media, email marketing, and other channels to promote your contest or giveaway. Be sure to use hashtags, and encourage your followers to share your contest with their friends.

Monitor the Entries:

Keep track of all the entries and make sure they comply with the rules. You may also want to moderate the entries to ensure that they are appropriate.

Select a Winner:

Choose the winner(s) of your contest or giveaway based on the criteria you established. Be sure to notify the winner(s) promptly and publicly announce the results.

Follow Up:

After the contest or giveaway is over, follow up with the winner(s) to ensure that they receive their prize(s) and that they are happy with the experience.


By following these tips, you can create a successful contest or giveaway that generates user-generated content and promotes your brand or product.


Incentive Can Be a Motivator for User-Generated Content

Incentives can be powerful motivators for encouraging users to create content for your brand. There are several types of incentives you can offer, such as discounts, free products, and recognition.

Offer Special Discounts:

Discounts are a common incentive that can be effective in encouraging users to create content. By offering a discount on a future purchase, you can incentivize users to create content that promotes your brand, such as product reviews or social media posts.

Give Products for Free:

Free products can also be a powerful incentive. By offering users a free product in exchange for creating content, you can incentivize them to create high-quality content that showcases your product or service.

Give Recognition for User-Generated content:

Recognition can be another effective incentive. By recognizing users who create content for your brand, you can build a sense of community and encourage others to do the same. This can be done through social media shoutouts, featuring user-generated content on your website or in your marketing materials, or even hosting contests that reward users for their contributions.

When offering incentives, it’s important to do so in a way that feels authentic and genuine. Users are more likely to create content for your brand if they feel like the incentives are fair and reasonable. Additionally, it’s important to be transparent about your incentive program and clearly communicate the requirements and expectations for creating content. By doing so, you can build trust with your users and encourage them to become long-term advocates for your brand.

Showcase User-Generated Content:

Once you have collected user-generated content, it’s important to showcase it in a way that maximizes its impact. Here are some tips on how to showcase UGC effectively:

Create a Dedicated UGC Section on Your Website:

By creating a dedicated section on your website for user-generated content, you can showcase the content in a visually appealing way and make it easy for visitors to find. This can help to build trust and credibility with your audience and create a sense of community around your brand.

Feature UGC in Your Marketing Campaigns:

Including user-generated content in your marketing campaigns can help to increase engagement and drive conversions. This can include using UGC in social media ads, email marketing campaigns, and other types of marketing materials.

Thank Users for Their Contributions:

Acknowledging and thanking users for their contributions can help to build loyalty and encourage further engagement. This can include featuring user-generated content on your social media channels and thanking users for their contributions in your marketing materials.


Showcasing user-generated content is a powerful way to build trust and credibility with your audience, increase engagement and loyalty, and ultimately, drive revenue and growth. By following these tips, you can effectively showcase UGC and leverage its impact for your business.

Real World Examples Where User-Generated Content Helped to Boost Up a Campaign

Coca-Cola’s “Share a Coke” campaign:

According to Coca-Cola, “The purpose of the campaign was to create a more personal relationship with consumers and inspire shared moments of happiness.”

Coca-Cola’s “Share a Coke” campaign encouraged customers to personalize Coke bottles with their names and share photos of them on social media using the hashtag #ShareACoke.

This campaign generated a massive amount of user-generated content, with over 500,000 photos shared on social media in the first year.

The campaign was a huge success and helped to boost sales of Coke products.

The impact of the campaign:

  • The ratio to young to adult consumption of Coca-Cola was up by 7%.
  • The campaign earned around 18.3 Lakhs of media impressions.
  • The Facebook website saw traffic increase by 870% while the Facebook page, on the other hand, grew by 39% in terms of fans.
  • Around 76,000 virtual Coke cans were shared online.
  • A total of 378,000 custom Coke cans were printed across the country.
  • The campaign created a positive image of Coca-Cola as a brand.


Airbnb’s #WeAccept campaign:

Airbnb’s #WeAccept campaign addressed discrimination across the company’s platform.

Airbnb received outrage in 2016 after guests accused the company of discrimination. Airbnb responded with the “Community Commitment” policy, which asked users to promise to treat everyone in the community with respect, regardless of ethnicity, color, disability, gender, or religion. Soon after, the United States announced a travel ban on numerous Muslim-majority countries.

Airbnb recognized that this was an excellent opportunity to combat racism. It launched a multi-platform campaign based on the slogan #WeAccept, spanning all of their social media platforms including a Super Bowl advertisement in 2017.

It encouraged users to share stories of acceptance and inclusivity on social media. The campaign generated a lot of positive user-generated content and helped to reinforce Airbnb’s brand values.

The impact of the campaign:

The correct KPIs to measure the outcome of this initiative are the number of posts with the hashtag #WeAccept and the number of shares across all platforms. During the first half of the Super Bowl alone, Airbnb received over 33k Tweets.

Another KPI that fits this goal is positive versus negative reactions to the campaign, which ended up being 85% positive.



#GoProSnow Challenge

The GoPro website announced, “Grab your GoPro, rally the crew, and get outside. After you capture yourself sending it, submit the best stills, raw clips, or video edits for the opportunity to get featured & get paid!”.

The campaign encouraged users to share videos and photos of their winter sports adventures on social media. The campaign generated a lot of high-quality user-generated content and helped to reinforce GoPro’s brand as a provider of high-quality action cameras.

They also paid $500 for the best photo and $1000 for the best video every week during the campaign.


A couple of  other user-generated campaigns that created a lot of impact are,


OnePlus’ #ShotonOnePlus Campaign

OnePlus launched a campaign that encouraged users to share photos taken on their OnePlus phones on social media using the hashtag #ShotonOnePlus. The campaign generated a lot of high-quality user-generated content and helped to reinforce OnePlus’ brand as a provider of high-quality mobile phones.



Maggi’s #MeriMaggi Campaign:

Maggi launched a campaign that encouraged users to share photos and videos of themselves cooking Maggi noodles on social media using the hashtag #MeriMaggi. The campaign generated a lot of positive user-generated content and helped to reinforce Maggi’s brand as a quick and easy snack.

To summarise, user-generated content (UGC) is a strong marketing tool that may assist brands in building trust, engaging with their audience, and driving conversions. Brands can tap into the true voice of their audience and build a feeling of community around their brand by launching campaigns that encourage customers to share their tales and experiences.cial gift.

Here are some takeaways and tips to creating effective user-generated content campaigns:

  • Understand your target audience: Understand your target audience and design campaigns that appeal to them.
  • Provide incentives: Incentivize users to participate by offering prizes or recognition.
  • Make it simple to participate: Make it simple for users to participate by giving clear instructions and simple tools.
  • Display the content: Display the UGC in a way that maximizes its impact, for as by developing a separate UGC area on your website or including UGC in your marketing campaigns.
  • Thank your customers: Thank people who provide UGC with a simple thank-you note or a special gift.

Remember brands today need user-generated content to develop a strong community around their brand, enhance engagement, and drive conversions.

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About the Author - Anirban Guha


Anirban Guha is an MBA graduate from Amity University, Noida. Starting his career with The Times of India Group, he has spent over 16 years in advertising and has been the founder-director of an award-winning digital marketing agency, Tejom Digital for over 6 years. He has worked with some of the top brands in India and beyond. He is an expert in creative design and digital marketing. He is passionate about helping businesses reach their goals. Beside his professional life, Anirban is an avid reader, a movie buff, a passionate gardener, an art enthusiast, and a foodie.