Date of Publication: 1 Mar 2023

Google Merchant Centre to Shopping Ads: In simple steps

The Google Merchant Centre and Shopping Ads are two of the most powerful tools available to online retailers looking to grow their ecommerce businesses. With the Merchant Centre, businesses can list and manage their products on Google Shopping and other Google services. Shopping Ads, on the other hand, allow businesses to create and manage their ads for Google Shopping and other Google services.

In this blog post, we’ll provide you with a step-by-step guide to connecting your Google Merchant Centre account to your Shopping Ads. This will enable you to create, manage, and optimize your ads on Google Shopping and other Google services, as well as track your performance. Let’s get started!

Anirban Guha

Anirban Guha

Digital Marketing Expert | Media Strategist | Entrepreneur

Table of Contents


The Google Merchant Center is a tool that helps merchants upload their product information to Google and make it available to shoppers using Google Shopping Ads. This allows merchants to make their products more visible and drive more traffic to their website. By registering with Google Merchant Center, merchants can manage their product listings, track performance, and optimize their campaigns. It also allows merchants to access additional features such as product reviews and ratings, promotional offers, and more.

Google Shopping Ads are a type of Shopping Ads that appear in Google search results. They are based on the product information uploaded to the Merchant Center. Shopping Ads are tailored to each user’s search query, making them more relevant to the user and increasing the likelihood of a click. As a result, merchants who register with the Merchant Center and use Shopping Ads are likely to see an increase in traffic to their website.

Steps to Set Up a Google Merchant Center:

  1. Create a Google Merchant Center Account: Sign up for a Google Merchant Center account. You will be asked to provide basic business information, such as your name, contact information, and website URL.
  2. Add Your Products: Upload product data, such as item name, price and shipping details, by entering it manually or using a feed file.
  3. Verify and Claim Your Website: Google will verify that you are the owner of the website associated with the Google Merchant Center account. This will help ensure that you are providing accurate information and protect your customers from fraud.
  4. Set Up Linked Ad Accounts: Link your Google Ads account to your Merchant Center account to create Ads campaigns and begin selling your products.
  5. Monitor and Optimize: Once you have set up your account and linked your Ads account, you can monitor and optimize your campaigns.

How to create a data feed for woocommerce website to google merchant center?

  1. Log into your WooCommerce store backend and install the free Google Product Feed plugin.

You can also use the following:

    • Google Merchant Center Feed Generator
    • WP Google Shopping
    • WP Shopping Feed
    • WP Product Feed Manager
    • Google Merchant Center Integration
    • WP Google Merchant Center
    • WP eCommerce Google Merchant Center
    • WooCommerce Google Merchant Center Feed
    • WP All Export Pro
  1. Configure the plugin and set the necessary options.
  2. Connect your WooCommerce store to Google Merchant Center.
  3. Select the products you want to include in the feed.
  4. Map the WooCommerce product attributes to the corresponding Google Merchant Center attributes.
  5. Generate the data feed and upload it to the Google Merchant Center.
  6. Test your data feed and make sure it is error-free.
  7. Submit your feed to Google Merchant Center and wait for approval.

Hygiene to be maintained while setting up Google Merchant Centre:

  1. Make sure all product information is accurate and up-to-date.
  2. Ensure that the product images are clear and of the highest quality possible.
  3. Ensure that the product descriptions are detailed and descriptive.
  4. Make sure that product prices are correct and in line with market rates.
  5. Ensure that product delivery options are clear and efficient.

Hygiene to be maintained while setting up Google Merchant Centre:

Products that violate Google’s policies, such as products that promote violence, are not eligible for advertising on Google. Google also has policies about the types of products that are not allowed in the Google Merchant Center. These include items such as weapons, alcohol, tobacco, and prescription drugs. 

Steps to take in case of product rejection:

  1. Review the policy violation: If your product has been rejected, review the policy violation and make sure you understand why it was rejected.
  2. Make changes to the product: Make any necessary changes to the product so that it no longer violates the policy.
  3. Resubmit the product: Once you have made the necessary changes, resubmit the product for review.
  4. Monitor the product: Monitor the product to make sure it is compliant with all policies. 

You can further request a manual review, 

1. Log into your Google Merchant Centre account and select the product you want to request a manual review for. 
2. Click the “Actions” button located on the right-hand side of the product and select “Request Manual Review”. 
3. Provide the reason for why you think the product was rejected and click “Submit”. 
4. Wait for the review team to process your request. 
5. If the review is successful, the product will be re-approved and listed in the Merchant Centre. If not, you will be notified of the reasons for rejection.


How to set up Google shopping ads after setting up the Google Merchant Center?

  1. After setting up the Google Merchant Center, you can set up Google Shopping Ads by clicking “Create Campaign” from the Google Ads dashboard.
  2. Choose the campaign type as “Shopping”, set the budget, and select the Merchant Center account you have already created.
  3. Next, select the countries you want to target, the language, and the type of currency you wish to use.
  4. Finally, set up the keywords you wish to target and the audience you want to reach with the ads. You can also specify other ad settings such as device targeting, time of day targeting, and ad rotation.

Process of selecting keywords in google shopping ads:

    1. Identify Your Goals: Before selecting keywords for your Google Shopping Ads, it’s important to first determine what you want to achieve. Are you looking to increase sales or boost brand awareness? Knowing your goals will help you to focus your efforts and select the right keywords.
    2. Research Your Market: Knowing what your competitors are doing is key to selecting the right keywords for your Google Shopping Ads. Take a look at the keywords they’re using in their ads and use them to inform yours.
    3. Brainstorm Keywords: Once you have a better understanding of your market, you can start brainstorming keywords for your Google Shopping Ads. Think about what words your target audience might use to search for your product and write them down.
    4. Use the Google Keyword Planner Tool: The Google Keyword Planner is a great tool for finding relevant keywords for your Google Shopping Ads. You can search for keywords based on your product or service and the tool will suggest phrases with the highest search volumes.
    5. Evaluate Keywords: Once you have a list of potential keywords, it’s time to evaluate them. Consider factors like:
      1. Search volume
      2. Competition
      3. Cost-Per-Click (CPC)
    6. Test Your Keywords: Once you’ve selected your keywords, you can start testing them to see which ones are performing best. Monitor the performance of your ads and adjust your keywords accordingly. This will help you to maximize the effectiveness of your Google Shopping Ads.

5. When you are done, click “Save and Continue” to start your Shopping Ads campaign.

How to set up Google shopping ads after setting up the Google Merchant Center?

Attribution settings in Google Shopping Ads are used to determine which ad interaction gets credit for a conversion. The different attribution models available are Last Click, First Click, Linear, and Time Decay.

Attribution settings can have a major impact on Google Shopping ads. When set correctly, attribution settings allow you to track the performance of your ads and optimize them for better results. This means that you can measure the effectiveness of your ads in terms of clicks, conversions, revenue, and ROI, and then use this data to adjust your bids and targeting accordingly. This allows you to maximize the return on your investment in Google Shopping ads.

You can find the attribution model in Google Ads by navigating to the “Tools & Settings” tab in the top right corner of your Ads dashboard. From there, select “Measurement” and then “Attribution” to view your available attribution models.

Last Click attribution

It gives credit to the last ad click before the conversion. This model is most commonly used, as it provides the most accurate view of the customer’s journey.


First Click attribution

It gives credit to the first ad click before the conversion. This model is useful for understanding which campaigns are driving initial interest in a product or service.


Linear attribution

It gives equal credit to all ad clicks before the conversion. This model is useful for understanding how multiple campaigns contribute to the customer’s journey.


Time Decay attribution

It gives more credit to ads that are clicked closer to the conversion. This model is useful for understanding how campaigns perform over time.


There is no single “best” attribution model, as it ultimately depends on your goals and how you want to measure success. However, Google recommends Time Decay as the preferred attribution model because it gives credit for conversions to the ads, keywords, and other factors that are most closely associated with the conversion, thus giving the most accurate attribution for each user’s journey. Time Decay assigns more credit to the interactions that occurred closest in time to the conversion, making it easier to identify the channels that are driving the most conversions.

Additional Information


GS1 Barcode

GS1 Barcode is a unique identifier used to identify products globally. It is a standardized system of barcodes used in many industries across the world.

GS1 India is the official provider of GS1 Barcodes in India.

GS1 Barcode helps in Shopping ads by providing a unique identifier for each product, which allows for easier tracking and organization of products. By using GS1 barcodes, retailers can easily determine the supply and demand of products and optimize their inventory accordingly. Additionally, it also helps in improving efficiency and accuracy in tracking and managing product data, as it allows for quick and accurate scanning of items. Finally, it can also be used to help identify the source of a product, allowing for more effective advertising and marketing campaigns.

Steps to enter GS1 barcodes in Woocommerce:

  1. Install and activate the GS1 Barcode plugin.
  2. Create a new product or edit an existing product in WooCommerce and scroll down to the ‘Product Data’ section.
  3. Check the ‘Use GS1 Barcode’ box and enter the relevant GS1 barcode in the ‘GS1 Barcode’ field.
  4. Save the product and the GS1 barcode is now linked to the product.
  5. When customers purchase the product, the GS1 barcode will be automatically printed on the order receipt.

To add GTIN or GS1 to your existing product list in merchant center,

  1. Log into the Google Merchant Center
  2. Edit the product details for each listing.
  3. Under the product information section, you will see a field for ‘GTIN’. Enter the GTIN for each product there.
  4. Once you have done this, you will need to submit your product feeds for approval.

Once approved, your GTINs will be visible to shoppers. Generally, it can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days for approval.

You can also, install a plugin for your WooCommerce store that enables you to add GTINs to your product listings. Some popular plugins and extensions that offer this functionality are

  1. Product GTINs for WooCommerce,
  2. GTIN for WooCommerce,
  3. GTIN Manager for WooCommerce.

All of these plugins will allow you to easily add GTINs to your product listings, making it easier to connect your WooCommerce store with the Google Merchant Center.

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