Date of Publication: 3 Feb 2023

8 Reasons Why to have Subdomains – Understanding the leverages they provide

Subdomains are an important part of any business website. They allow a website to better organize its content and give customers an easier way to find the information they are looking for. Subdomains can also make it easier for businesses to target specific markets or customers, functionalities, languages, and more. Additionally, subdomains help businesses rank higher in search engine results, making them easier to find online. It has a special role to play especially when it comes to both optimizing paid and organic search results to fuel business growth. In this blog let us reason why to use subdomains. We have 8 such to discuss.

Anirban Guha

Anirban Guha

Digital Marketing Expert | Media Strategist | Entrepreneur

Table of Contents


1. Subdomains can help you create a separate and distinct brand identity from your main domain.

A subdomain is a domain that is part of a larger domain. It’s a way of dividing your domain into manageable and related parts. For example, if your main domain is, you could create a subdomain for an online store, such as

Subdomains offer a great way to segment different sections of your website. For example, if you had a website for a business that sells both men’s and women’s clothing, you could create two subdomains, one for each gender. You could have and This would give you more flexibility in terms of design and content while maintaining a unified brand experience.

Subdomains also allow you to easily create a localized version of your website. For example, if you wanted to create a website for a company that operates in multiple countries, you could create separate subdomains for each country. You could have a US version of the website at, a UK version at and so on. This would make it easier for customers in each country to find the right version of the website.

Subdomains also offer a great way to create distinct brands for different product lines. For example, if you had a company that sold both shoes and clothing, you could create two separate subdomains for each product line. You could have for the shoe line and for the clothing line. This would give you more flexibility in terms of design and content while still maintaining a unified brand experience.

2. Subdomains are easier for users to remember than a subfolder.

Subdomains are more memorable for users than subfolders because of the way the human brain processes information. Studies have found that people are more likely to remember information when it is divided into smaller chunks, and subdomains are a great way to do this. 

For example, if a website has two different sections, like an online store and a blog, they can be divided into separate subdomains like “” and “”, respectively. This makes it easier for users to remember and navigate around the website, as they can more easily recall the subdomain name than a long subfolder structure. 

Additionally, research has found that users tend to remember domain names better than complex URLs and IP addresses, and subdomains are a great way to make domain names more memorable.

3. Subdomains can have their own unique look and feel.

Subdomains are a way to create distinct sections of a website that can have their own unique look and feel. Subdomains are separate sections of a website that are hosted on a separate domain of their own. For example, a subdomain may be “”. Subdomains can be used to create separate sections of a website that are optimized for a particular purpose, such as a blog or an e-commerce store. They can also be used to create a distinct look and feel for the sections of a website. This can be done by using a different design, color scheme, and content. Subdomains can also be used to segment users based on their interests or preferences.

Let’s understand this with 3 hypothetical scenerios.

Scenerio 1: Subdomain for a Product Line

 A large retailer may have a main website that sells a variety of products. To differentiate their product lines, the company can create a subdomain for each product line. 

For example, if the main website for the retailer is, the subdomains for their product lines could be,, and 

Each subdomain could have its own look and feel to reflect the type of product being sold. For example, the shirts subdomain could have a more casual look and feel, while the shoes subdomain could have a more formal look and feel. 

Scenerio 2: Subdomain for a Target Audience

This a common practice among top companies to create subdomains to promote seasonal sales and events. 

For example, a store might have a main website,, but create a subdomain for its holiday sale, such as 

This subdomain could have a look and feel that is tailored to the holiday season, such as festive colors and images, or information about the store’s holiday promotions.


Scenerio 3: Subdomain for a Seasonal Promotion

Many companies create subdomains to promote seasonal sales and events. 

For example, a store might have a main website,, but create a subdomain for its holiday sale, such as 

This subdomain could have a look and feel that is tailored to the holiday season, such as festive colors and images, or information about the store’s holiday promotions.

4. Subdomains can have their own dedicated IP address, which helps with SEO rankings.

Google’s page ranking algorithm uses a variety of factors to determine the relevance of a website in its search results. One of these factors is the IP address associated with a website. Having each subdomain hosted on its own dedicated IP address helps to ensure that each subdomain is treated separately by Google, which can lead to improved search engine rankings. This is because dedicated IP addresses can be used to identify websites more clearly, and also can be used to detect when a website has been hacked or is being used for malicious activities. Having a dedicated IP address for each subdomain also makes it easier for Google to crawl and index the content of each page, which can improve the overall ranking of the website.

As per studies, e-commerce portals that have moved the blogs to a different subdomain had a 10% increase in organic traffic. The study has also found a 15% increase in organic traffic when they have moved their support services to a dedicated subdomain with a different IP address.

Should blogs be kept in a different subdomain for a product or service company?

It ultimately comes down to personal preference and the goals of the company. Generally, blogs are kept in a subdomain, such as, in order to keep the blog separate from the main website. This allows companies to focus the main website on their product or services, while keeping the blog content in a separate space. It also makes it easier to track analytics and SEO of the blog content, as it is effectively separated from the main website.

Ultimately, it is up to the company to decide whether to keep the blog on a subdomain or not, based on their needs and goals

5. Subdomains can have their own dedicated SSL certificates, which helps with security.

Having a dedicated SSL certificate for each subdomain can help protect against malicious activities such as phishing and man-in-the-middle attacks. It also ensures that each subdomain has its own identity and authentication, which can help to prevent sensitive information from being stolen or compromised.

SSL certificates help to secure communications between a website and its visitors by encrypting the data being sent and received. When a website is secured with an SSL certificate, it helps to protect visitors from having their data intercepted by malicious actors.

Every subdomain have dedicated SSL certificates. It helps to secure visitor data because it ensures that the encryption is specific to the subdomain, rather than using a single certificate for the whole website.

When a hacker attempts to gain access to the web application, they will first have to decrypt the SSL certificate before they can access the application. Having sub domains and their own SSL makes it much harder for the hacker to gain access, since they would need to decrypt each individual certificate in order to access the application.

Additionally, having separate SSL certificates for each subdomain can help with security by allowing for different levels of security for each application. For example, a company could have a higher level of security on their banking application, while having a lower level of security on their customer service application. This allows them to better protect their sensitive information while still providing an adequate level of security for their less sensitive applications. This can help to save lot of money on security.

6. Subdomains can be used to create separate landing pages, which can help convert more visitors.

Let us understand this with three scenario involving companies into retail, and healthcare.

Let’s take an example of a clothing retailer, ABZ Garments

ABZ Garments may create a subdomain for men’s clothing (, another subdomain for women’s clothing(, and a third subdomain for kids’ clothing( Each subdomain could have its own unique landing page, featuring product images and descriptions to appeal to the respective demographic. This approach can help to convert more visitors by ensuring that their landing page experience is tailored to their interests.


Now Let’s take an example of a Multispeciality Hospital, M Care Hospital

M Care Hospital may create a subdomain for emergency services (, another for specialty care services (, and a third subdomain for OPD( Each subdomain could have its own unique landing page, featuring information on the respective services and how they can benefit the patient. This approach can help to convert more visitors by helping them quickly find the information they need.

7. Subdomains can be used to host different versions of a website, such as a mobile version.

Now taking the case of M Care Hospital, their main website could host general information about the healthcare clinic, while a subdomain could be used to host a dedicated mobile site for patients to access

This can now appear separately on both paid and organic search when search from a specific location in a specific language.

Using subdomains to host different versions of the website can be beneficial for businesses by increasing the reach of their website. This can help to make the website more userfriendly and accessible to a wider range of users, increasing the number of visitors and potential customers.

8. Subdomains can be used to host different languages and locales.

Again understanding from a hypothetical case scenario of M Care hospital, say, M Care Hospital has multiple units spread in multiple locations. The hospital can create subdomains according to locations focusing on key departments that have more case from that geography. Say, for Delhi, for Dhaka, and so on. For Delhi, they might use the language English and Bangla for their Dhaka Unit website.

They can now appear separately on both paid and organic searches when searching from a specific location in a specific language.

This is a very common practice among news portals doing news for different countries in different languages.

For the Initiates


The steps to create a subdomain are:

  1. Log into your hosting account.
  2. Choose the domain for which you want to create a subdomain.
  3. Go to the DNS management page.
  4. Add a new record.
  5. Enter the subdomain name. (All you need to do is set up a DNS record for the subdomain and point it to the main domain’s IP address.)
  6. Choose the record type as ‘A’.
  7. Enter the IP address.
  8. Save the changes.

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